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Coal’s enduring presence acknowledges countries’ autonomy in selecting energy sources that meet their specific needs, complementing renewables during intermittent periods and serving as a crucial factor for coal-dependent nations to ensure energy security, affordability, and reliability.

Champion Coal

World Trade Coal’s Fact-based Advocacy

We challenge the misconceptions and criticisms aimed at coal.

Our facts are based on exhaustive research and the latest science.

We advocate for coal and Alliance interests by disseminating fact-based information, the Coal Hard Facts, across our diverse stakeholder audience.

Testament to our accuracy is independent research, which shows that our media commentary enjoys almost 100 per cent positive and neutral coverage.

Extraodinary Facts!

Countries Choose Coal For Diverse Reasons

Countries now face the reality that no silver bullet exists to solve their energy challenges. The global energy crisis of 2021-23 underscored the resilience of coal as a power generation source, mitigating severe consequences that could have escalated without coal as a backup.

The closure of European industrial operations and the risk of populations suffering through unaffordable energy costs or no energy at all exemplifies the crucial role of coal.

In many non-OECD Asian nations, coal is the most cost-effective and reliable electricity source, enabling economic growth. Moreover, coal’s contribution to energy security, affordability, and reliability (the energy trilemma) benefits the energy economy, providing essential backup to renewables and supporting high-value manufacturing jobs, research and development, and job security within the coal value chain, particularly in mining operations.

Coal Hard Facts